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Il n'y aura jamais plus aucun Shenmue.

Par X_3cut - 07 Aout 2007 04:00:59

Les segasexuels avaient la rage dans le regard suite a la parution il y a quelque jours d'une liste supposée montrer les jeux sega au TGS de cette année et qui faisait mention d'un Shenmue 3 sur xbox 360. Les pauvres.

De un. La liste était une fake.
De deux. Shenmue online est annulée et c'était le seul moyen pour Sega de se faire de la thune et garder en vie artificiellement cette licence de merde.
De trois.

Back in February 2006, Shenmue creator and veteran game designer Yu Suzuki, confirmed that the mysterious Shenmue MMO venture Shenmue Online (that was announced in 2004) was still in development: “The story will be finished through games.” Later that year at the China Joy 2006 game event Sega unveiled new info in an Shenmue Online trailer and gameplay videos that you can watch below.

Sadly that’s the last we’ll see of any Shenmue games, since Shenmue Online has been canceled and will more than likely never see another sequel like Shenmue 3. Seganerds reports that ever since the game didn’t show up at China Joy 2007 it’s continued development has been questioned.

It’s now been confirmed by Kikizo staff saying: “As for Shenmue, I would have to say at this stage, it is worth forgetting about. If all the fans get any rich relatives together and channel it though Dojo perhaps we could buy rights, hire Suzuki (he’d likely say yes) and independently make the game under license from Sega at no risk to them. That is the only way it will get made at this stage I think.”

The following words must’ve been really hard for the Shenmue fans to say: “To clarify, what I meant was I wanted to get clarification on something I heard a couple of days ago, which is that yes, Shenmue Online is f*cked and Suzuki’s status is, once again, up in the air, which counts Shenmue III totally out of the picture right now. This is confirmed, it seems

Les segasexuels qui vont financer eux-même leur jeu? Et après il y en a qui disent que la trépanation de la Dreamcast était injuste.

Always remember, IT'S BACK! ONLY ON XBOX 360:

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