• Divers
  • Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat

L'IA de la nuit dernière
Le dernier degosaure


Je suis l'alpha et l'omega du mauvais gout. Vous ne pouvez rien contre moi, humains.

.O. - 13 Sep 2016

Cette débile feelsbad





je transpire en 60 fps

ces elections avec 2 raclures de bidet comme candidats  pepe_feelsgood

Blow J.







L'homme le plus cheap du monde.
je transpire en 60 fps

Kolia - 13 Sep 2016

je propose l'arret des cumuls mais apres 2017

Les politicards smiley11

Le dernier degosaure

Kolia - 13 Sep 2016

je vois pas en quoi son cas personnel rendrait son point de vue moins pertinent smiley76

Ally McBeal

Denver - 14 Sep 2016

La raison :


Mais ça va plus loin que ça en fait.

En fait, son exemple rappelle que si le service militaire devait être réinstauré, notamment afin de provoquer un brassage des classes sociales, tu auras toujours des personnes qui chercheront à s'en exclure.

Comme par hasard, ce seront celles avec les relations qui vont bien qui arriveront à leurs fins, et donc l'objectif recherché ne sera pas réellement atteint.

Edit par Blueberry (14 Sep 2016)

Googlez mon nom

C'est pas possible.

Googlez mon nom

ClubPop prépare un nouvel article pour Vice ?



Ceiling Clott is watching you masturbate

seiken3 - 15 Sep 2016

Every day it gets worse.
I went to City Hall to #BlocktheBunker this morning and after public comment, I was standing in the lobby with the crowd, recording media interviews and stuff. Some TV crew were recording an interview with a pro-Bunker guy, who said his name was Rudy, who had talked about how the cops had helped his heroin addicted daughter and that "Girls Matter".
That same guy then sexually harassed me. And when I asked him why he was sexually harassing me, he kept doing it. When I raised my voice and told everyone what he was doing, he ran away.
The security guards, who witnessed everything, then accosted me to tell me to be quiet. When I asked them why they were going after me instead of the man who sexually harassed me, they called the cops ON ME.
The cops were already there, of course. They didn't go after the man who'd sexually harassed me. When I asked them to at least take notes of what happened and why they were not going after the man who sexually harassed me, they said that I should speak with one of their officers alone. They didn't take any notes, they didn't even send one man to go look out for the guy while this conversation was going on for over ten minutes. The officers stood there with their hands on their guns until a white man asked why they had their hands on their guns. Why were they holding their guns while talking to a woman of color who was sexually harassed? Why would they ask that woman of color to go alone with them to talk to them, while holding those guns?
I refused to leave the safety of my community to speak to a cop alone and it was only when another person - an older white male - spoke up, that the cop decided to take down my description of my harasser and I showed them some of this video.
I was sexually harassed and then criminalized because I wouldn't shut up about being sexually harassed. And the city wants to give these cops $160 million dollars to build a military bunker to "protect us". The cops didn't protect me. They didn't look out for me. They didn't give a damn. Why would they? They're part of a gang that molests and criminalizes innocent people all the time.
And by the way, the guy who sexually harassed me made a public comment that was pro-bunker and PRO-COP. The cops are definitely not going to go after him.
After this all happened, I went to the city council offices with community members to make a formal complaint about how the security guards treated me. Here's the thing: The security guards are not public employees. They're employed by a private company. Lorena Gonzalez's aide Brianna came out, listened to what I said, and then told me that I must have orchestrated this...as if I organized my own sexual harassment and criminalization.
I asked her to find out the accountability process for security guards, since they're not city employees. She told me that she'd done a lot to try to help me and she said that she didn't have time today to do more. We were all so stunned by this that there was silence in the room after she said this. All she'd done was sit down and not answer my questions. She wrote down a number and pushed it to me across the table, foisting me off on another department. I asked to speak with Council Member Lorena González regarding this, Brianna said she could "probably" do that. When I asked when this meeting would be, she said: "Oh, now this has gone from a phone call to a meeting?" as if I was too demanding. She said that I would hear back by 5pm but only after I asked, repeatedly, when I would hear from them. At present, it's 9pm, and I've heard nothing from any of them.
Kshama Sawant's aide Ted came in to the room to help, as did Jesse, Mike O'Brien's aide. They were more compassionate and forthcoming with information then anything Brianna said but it seems like there is no accountability process. Private security guards in our tax-payer funded city hall don't answer to anyone.
Why did no one stop the man who sexually harassed me?
Why are the security guards in city hall private employees and not accountable to the public?
Why was I told to be quiet when I was sexually harassed?
Why was I subjected to intimidation and physical threat from the cops?
Why was Lorena González's aide Brianna so callous and dismissive?
Why are the cops getting $160 million dollars to build a militarized fortress when they can't even catch one sexual harasser when he's right in front of them?
What would have happened to me if the community hadn't been there to witness?
Call here to complain about Lorena González's aide: 206 684 8802.
Call here to complain to the private security company: 206 233 7812
Call here to complain to the City about the private security company: 206 684 CITY
Call here to complain about the racist and threatening cops: 206 625 5011*
*Sidenote: I think it likely that the cops or someone will come after me, so if anything happens to me, please don't think it was an accident.
#Patriarchy #Racism #Capitalism #BlockTheBunker


Les commentaires smiley67

Edit par clott (15 Sep 2016)

Buffy d'or

Ce boudin smiley119
Les commentaires alone
Les féministes / activistes smiley112 smiley11
Une tarte dans la gueule et allez hop va faire la cuisine.

Le gars pepe_feelsgood

Edit par knot084 (15 Sep 2016)

Googlez mon nom

Mais j'ai pas compris, il a fait quoi pour l'agresser sexuellement ? Il l'a regardée dans les yeux ?

Buffy d'or

CouronnePerlée - 15 Sep 2016

http://fr.urbandictionary.com/define.ph … h%20Mungus

Littéralement il a dit "Je m'appelle énorme"  smiley77 smiley11

et l'autre a pété un câble: "harcèlement sexuel harcèlement sexuel bla bla bla"

Bref encore un boudin féministe attention whore.

Edit par knot084 (15 Sep 2016)

Mon père est un pigeon

Ce qui me choque le plus en fait, c'est les commentaires, avec ses amies qui lui disent "stay safe" etc comme si s'était vraiment passé un truc quoi. Je trouve ça irrespectueux pour les réelles victimes de harcèlement sexuel.

Je suis l'alpha et l'omega du mauvais gout. Vous ne pouvez rien contre moi, humains.

seiken3 - 15 Sep 2016

La troisieme vague de feministe = le cancer de l'humanité

... avec les safe space dans les universités

Ceiling Clott is watching you masturbate

Post-it - 15 Sep 2016

Cette génération de fragile qu'on est en train de créer. smiley112

Edit par clott (15 Sep 2016)


Post-it - 15 Sep 2016

Les safe space putain smiley11

y a-t-il qqun pour rebrancher le cerveau de binouz

EDIT : Oups rien j'me suis fais avoir par un gorafibis smiley3

Edit par Binouz (16 Sep 2016)

Blow J.

CouronnePerlée - 15 Sep 2016

Rien compris non plus smiley61

edit: Ah non ils expliquent tout bien dans Urban dictionary

Edit par hobbs (16 Sep 2016)

nolife de platine

Spécialement pour Cheftrottoir (et désolé, je suis certain d'avoir massacré son pseudo :3 )


je transpire en 60 fps
Ceiling Clott is watching you masturbate


Buffy d'or

clott - 20 Sep 2016

vivement les premiers morts smiley89

L'homme le plus cheap du monde.




Che vais en vacanches en greyche

zbah - 21 Sep 2016

Euh, pourquoi ça ? stallone

Edit par Grey-Che (26 Sep 2016)

L'homme le plus cheap du monde.

La roulette du hasard n'est vraiment pas tendre avec certaine.

http://www.aujourd8.fr/colore-cheveux-d … paign=Saif



Nyzer - 27 Sep 2016

Mais quelle idée aussi de vouloir teindre les cheveux d'un putain de nouveau né... Y a vraiment des gens qui devrait pas exister

privileged shitlord
Ceiling Clott is watching you masturbate

Porcelain fighting figures dropped and photographed the moment of shattering.  smiley39








Bourreau des oiseaux

clott - 27 Sep 2016

y a pas une vidéo en slow motion? smiley23

Ceiling Clott is watching you masturbate
L'IA de la nuit dernière
"Les combats de Heavy Rain sont plus techniques que ceux de SF4."

Wow mais c'est n'importe quoi alphus.gif


En même temps, est-ce que quelqu'un en a vraiment quelque chose à branler de ce que dit l'ADL ? http://www.adl.org/

y a-t-il qqun pour rebrancher le cerveau de binouz
  • Divers
  • Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat