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The Baygon

I found this to be a pretty fascinating look at how the PS5 GPU & SSD stack up against various PC configurations with exact same settings & resolution. A great way to finally see somewhat definitely how PS5 specs stack up in the PC realm.

PS5 loads in 4.38 seconds vs 10.12 seconds on a PC w/ an i9 10900k & 3.5 GB/s NVME drive
PC w/12900k and 7.5GB/s NVME drive showed little loading time improvements on PC. Appears to hit an artificial ceiling on PC for load times.
Load time varies depending on what save is being loaded & what PC hardware is in place but PS5 is always significantly faster
Alex used scenes where the PS5 would drop below 60fps as a benchmark to test like-for-like GPU performance on PC
nVidia RTX 2060 Super performs at 71% of the performance of the PS5 on average
AMD RX 5700 performs at 75.4% of the performance of the PS5 on average
RX 5700XT performs at 83.5% of the performance of the PS5 on average
RTX 2070 Super performs at 88.5% of the performance of the PS5 on average
RTX 2080 performs at 96.6% of the performance of the PS5 on average.
PS5 vastly outpaced it's RDNA 1 cousins on the PC side
PS5 lands somewhere between an RTX 2080 and an RTX 2080 Super in performance

Honestly kind of insane to me, the type of GPU performance we're seeing out of a box that starts at $399.

PS5 > RTX 2080  smiley114

Dommage qu'il soit quasiment impossible de l'acheter en France. smiley87