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All three versions offer two display modes. Quality mode locks the resolution at 2160p on PS5/SX and 1440p on SS. It also increases the quality of the shadows.
The different shades of color and light between versions are due to the constant and random change of the weather. They all use the same general tonality.
Lower quality of textures and shadows, and less amount of vegetation in Series S.
The framerate is unlocked on all 3 platforms. This results in a rather uneven fps rate.
PS5 has a more stable framerate than Series X, but neither is it stable. S series does not exceed 45fps in any mode.
The draw distance is the same on all 3 consoles except for the shadows. In Series S, its distance is smaller.
PS5 seems to have better shadows in the distance in quality mode compared to Series X.
All 3 platforms use SSR reflections of a similar quality.
Faster loading times on PS5.
In general, the beta is better optimized on PS5 (mainly because of its framerate). We will have to wait until February to see the final result.