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Homme déconstruit

Inspecteur_Gadjo - 25 Jan 2021

Sur les consoles pro ça commence à être pas mal là.

pour les bases ça va être difficile oui mais le fossé par rapport à la version day one est déjà tellement énorme (au prix de downgrades sur certains trucs) que l'espoir est possible smiley76

pour une étude "en détail" du 1.1 par rapport au 1.06 (certains points sont contredits par d'autres analyses/retours comme le niveau du LOD ou le framerate donc difficile de se faire une vraie conviction)

- The average resolution has increased, but remains within the already established dynamic resolution.
- The subtitles now have a bug that was not there before. They can stay on the screen during gameplay.
- The pop-in has improved substantially. As a result, the framerate is somewhat more unstable now.
- The density of pedestrians has not changed. It's still quite a lower number than on Xbox.
- Vehicle collisions have been revised, although they still have room for improvement.
- The bug that left the npcs with a low LOD has been fixed. I have also not seen floating npcs or extremely weird behavior in the AI while recording.
- Shadows still do not have an equivalent improvement on PS5 to the Xbox Series and One X version.
- I have not suffered any crashes during the recording.
- Some options and settings had to be restored because the file has been corrupted. This has not affected the savedata.

edit : on devrait un avoir un nouveau patch beaucoup plus rapidement que prévu smiley129

b3y0nd (25 Jan 2021)