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Ceiling Clott is watching you masturbate

https://www.resetera.com/threads/xbox-g … t-43275327

I was considering a lot to post it or not, but after few consultations with few different sources I'll put it;

Microsoft/343i is currently very busy with idea of dropping Xbox One support for Halo Infinite.

Even idea to postpone it to early 2022 is on the table. It's pretty messy up there with decisions but they are convinced that they need to make best Halo game ever.

Alors qu'en Juillet Spencer nous assurait que le crossgen qui tire vers le bas est un concept de fanboys smiley11

https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/ … y-xbox-one

Frankly, held back is a meme that gets created by people who are too caught up in device competition