
In cases when the race of the perpetrator and victim were known, among the 3,021 white victims of murder in 2014, 2,488 of them were killed by white offenders, and 446 were killed by black offenders. Among the 2,451 black murder victims in 2014, 187 of them were killed by white offenders, and 2,205 were killed by black offenders. Here's how the percentages work out:

Blacks killed by whites: 7.6 percent.

Whites killed by whites: 82.4 percent.

Whites killed by blacks: 14.8 percent.

Blacks killed by blacks: 90 percent.

Salauds de blancs racistes !

Ou alors le probleme est bien plus grave et profond ...

The Guardian has been keeping a running tally in 2015 of people killed by police, through its "The Counted" project. According to the Guardian, 1,024 people have been killed by police in 2015 through Nov. 23. This is the racial breakdown: 509 white, 261 black, 164 Hispanic/Latino, 59 other/unknown, 18 Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 Native American.

Les flics massacrent les noirs !

Ou plus generalement les flics tuent beaucoup de gens dans un pays ou les gens s'entretuent beaucoup trop.

Salauds de white privilege quand meme !

Cheftrottoir (04 Jun 2020)