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Le dernier degosaure

http://www.dota2.com/outlanders  smiley80 smiley80


Each player now has their own courier automatically
Courier now gains levels when your hero gains levels
Courier movement speed reduced from 380 to 275
Courier health reduced from 75 to 70
Courier now provides 85 GPM while it is alive (this replaces the base 91 GPM that previously existed)
Courier passively gains +10 movement speed, +10 health and +2 GPM increase per level
Courier gains flying movement at level 5
Courier gains Speed Burst active ability at level 10 (6-second duration +50% MS, 120 CD)
Courier gains ability to use wards at level 15
Courier gains Shield active ability at level 20 (2s duration, 200 CD)
Courier gains ability to use items in general at level 25
Courier vision reduced from 350 to 200
Courier team bounty is now 25 + 5 * Level, xp is 35 + 20 * Level
Courier respawn time changed from 120/180 ground/flying to 50 + 7 * Level
Courier Return Items ability will now cause the courier to return home even if it doesn't have items

Observer Wards no longer cost gold
Heroes now start with 3 Town Portal Scrolls
Gold earned from killing an Observer Ward will now always be given to the player that bought the true sight
Heroes that have recently applied damage or a debuff on an enemy hero that dies are now considered part of the area assist gold even if they are no longer alive or in that area
Assist gold distribution multiplier for Net Worth ranking factor in the area is changed from multiplying based on the heroes in the area, to globally.
Net Worth Ranking factor for Gold changed from 1.3->0.7 to 1.6->0.4

Map layout redesigned
Heroes can now level up to 30. Once you get to level 30, you unlock the entire talent tree. XP requirement for the levels are 3500/4500/5500/6500/7500. Respawn time does not increase past 25. XP bounties max out at level 25 bounty values.
Spell Immunity no longer grants 100% Magic Resistance (this means that all spells that are able to pierce spell immunity now deal damage as well)
Removed Side Shops
Bottle has been removed from the Secret Shop
All Secret Shop items are now exclusively in the Secret Shop (this means Ring of Health and Void Stone are no longer in the base)
Tier 2 Towers HP increased from 1900 to 2000
Tier 2 Tower Armor increased from 15 to 16
Tier 2 Tower Damage increased from 152 to 175
Tier 2+ towers night vision increased from 800 to 1100
Tower Glyph multishot targets increased from 2 to 4
Glyph duration increased from 6 to 7
Improved input processing to feel snappier, as well as fixing some rare input drop bugs
Denied towers now give half of the bounty to the team that denies it and half to the other team (instead of 0 to both teams)
Siege damage against heroes increased from 85% to 100%
Fountain damage increased from 230 to 275
Fountain now has 20% Accuracy
Neutral Units Balance:

Neutral Cloak Aura no longer stacks
Neutral Harpy Stormcrafter: Max mana reduced from 400 to 150
Neutral Harpy Stormcrafter: Mana regeneration increased from 1 to 3
Neutral Mud Golem: Hurl Boulder damage reduced from 125 to 75
Neutral Ghost: Frost Attack move slow from 20 to 25%
Neutral Ghost: Frost Attack attack slow from 20 to 25%
Neutral Vhoul Assassin: Poison debuff now applies 35% Regen Reduction
Neutral Centaur Conqueror: War Stomp cooldown reduced from 20 to 12
Neutral Dark Troll Summoner: Ensnare cooldown reduced from 20 to 15
Neutral Dark Troll Summoner: Raise Dead cooldown reduced from 25 to 18
Neutral Ancient Thunderhide: War Drums Aura no longer provides attack damage bonus
Neutral Ancient Thunderhide: War Drums Aura now provides 40% Accuracy
Neutral Ancient Thunderhide: War Drums Aura attack speed bonus increased from 15 to 25
Neutral Ogre Frostmage: Armor bonus reduced from 8 to 6
Neutral Ogre Frostmage: Slow now works against ranged units as well
Neutral Ogre Frostmage: Attack slow increased from 20 to 30
