mange du blanc de poulet pour impressioner olive

Profile supprimé - 15 May 2013

Et pourquoi à ton avis ?

Deux indices :

"I know some people are crying over no next gen announcement but it'll come. Just have to be patient. This game started development long before PS4 kits were a thing after all."


"1 - Once the six skip the three
2 - Saving for the four
3 - Question stays about the five
4 - Waiting for some more

5 - Due the fact we knew too much
6 - About the four and five
7 - Six will hide until it can
8 - Kevin Butlers' Jive

9 - It's six step left six step right
10 - Rinse, repeat and wait
11 - The three will get some finger food
12 - And four will celebrate."

